Tips and Tricks site for advanced HP-UX Engineers

23 Jul 15 HP-UX patch depot tutorial

Patch Depot tutorial

So you downloaded your QPK after doing swainv analysis of what patches your HP-UX server fleet needs. You have a bundle, but you do not want the default name bundle. No problem use the create script to customize:

The following command sets the bundle name (-b ) and the tilte of the bundle ( -t )
./create_depot_hpux.11.31 -b 201510HPUXPATCHMYCOMPANY -t MYCOMPANYFALL2015
… some output

A directory depot is created
cd depot

Check the bundle list. The names should be meaningful
swlist –l bundle –s $PWD
# Initializing…
# Contacting target “myhost”…
# Target: myhost:/Depots/tmp/depot

QPKAPPS B.11.31.1503.411a Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v3, March 2015
QPKBASE B.11.31.1503.411a Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v3, March 2015

Next step copy them to a single install point:
swcopy -x enforce_dependencies=FALSE -x reinstall=TRUE -x write_remote_files=TRUE -d -s $PWD \* @ /Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second

… some output deleted …

* Selection succeeded.

* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
WARNING: “myhost:/Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second”: The software
dependencies for 4 products or filesets cannot be resolved.
* The execution phase succeeded for
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.

NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command “swjob -a log myhost-2347 @

======= 07/23/15 14:49:03 PDT END swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)

Next check the destination depot
swlist –l depot –s /Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second

# Initializing…
# Contacting target “myhost”…
# Target: myhost:/Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second

QPKAPPS B.11.31.1503.411a Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v3, March 2015
QPKBASE B.11.31.1503.411a Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v3, March 2015

Then a problem comes up and you need to add a new patch to your already build depot, say PHSS_44116.depot a fix to issues starting hpvm guests.
swcopy -d -s $PWD/PHSS_44116.depot \* @ /Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second

======= 07/23/15 14:58:12 PDT BEGIN swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)

* Session started for user “root@myhost”.

* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for
* Source: /Depots/B.11.31/PHSS_44116.depot
* Targets: myhost:/Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.

* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for
* The execution phase succeeded for
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.

NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command “swjob -a log myhost-2348 @

======= 07/23/15 14:58:14 PDT END swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)

This method can be used to deliver any software built in depot format.
Let’s check the patch became a part of the depot:
myhost:root > swlist -s /Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second
# Initializing…
# Contacting target “myhost”…
# Target: myhost:/Depots/B.11.31/2015FY_second

# Bundle(s):

QPKAPPS B.11.31.1503.411a Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v3, March 2015
QPKBASE B.11.31.1503.411a Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v3, March 2015
# Product(s) not contained in a Bundle:

PHSS_44116 1.0 HPVM B.06.30 CORE PATCH
myhost:root >

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06 Nov 13 Getting EMC disk ID’s.

We want storage to check performance on three possibly problematic LUNS.

Need to get the 4 character LUN ID’s on three disks:

disk82 disk83 and disk123

/usr/bin/inq -nodots -sym_wwn | egrep “disk82|disk83|disk123″| awk ‘{print $3}’ |awk ‘{ print substr( $0, length($0) – 3, length($0) ) }’





HP-UX 11.31 September 2011 OE.

A good day is an awkful day.

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12 Jul 11 Migrate VXVM booted system to LVM

From the HP-UX Veritas Administration guide, buried on page 106

This example shows how to create an LVM root disk on physical disk c0t1d0
after removing the existing LVM root disk configuration from that disk.

BOOTBG=$(vxdg bootdg)

vxprint -htg $BOOTDG | grep ^dm

dm rootdisk01   disk233_p2   auto     1024     142450592 –
dm rootmirr     disk234_p2   auto     1024     142450592 –

# You get the boot disk from this command. Break off the s2 if you are using legacy devices you can use them or the agile SDF devices.

# You may need to use vxbrk_mirror to break the mirror. Make sure you know which disk you are booted from. Check syslog to be sure. setboot is not a good indicator.

# Due to a wordpress error I’ve been forced to take the path etc vx bin out of the commands. I will fix this when wordpress stops blowing chunks on this data. Where there are spaces there need to be slashes.
#  etc vx bin vxdestroy_lvmroot -v c0t1d0
# etc vx bin vxres_lvmroot -v -b c0t1d0
The -b option to vxres_lvmroot sets c0t1d0 as the primary boot device.
As these operations can take some time, the verbose option, -v, is specified to
indicate how far the operation has progressed.

This command takes care of setboot and all details. Then just boot from the console.

This procedure does not remove VxVM software. The daemon still runs. But your system now boots LVM and that makes using Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) much easier.


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05 Jul 11 VxVM replace boot disk

Create a partition description file

(Need to update the EFI and HPSP size below according to the other root disk partition’s size)
This examples is where the new disk is disk85. Applies only to HP-UX 11.31 with VxVM as boot drive manager.

# vi /tmp/efipart

HPUX 100%

Use the idisk(1M) command to partition the disk according to this file
# idisk -wf /tmp/efipart /dev/rdisk/disk85

Write EFI info to the EFI partition on the disk
# mkboot -e -l /dev/rdisk/disk85

Confirm the AUTO file entry is intact It should be  “boot vmunix”
# efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk85_p1 -u /EFI/HPUX/AUTO /tmp/efi; cat /tmp/efi

If found any difference, edit /tmp/efi file  as below to update the entry “boot vmunix”
#echo “boot vmunix ” > /tmp/efi

Update auto file
#efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk85_p1 /tmp/efi /EFI/HPUX/AUTO

Confirm the AUTO file entry again, It should be  “boot vmunix”
# efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk85_p1 -u /EFI/HPUX/AUTO /tmp/efi; cat /tmp/efi

Initialize the disk as VXVM  boot disk

#### vxdisksetup -iB disk85_p2  ((lives in etc vx bin slashes removed due to Word Press error))

Add the disk to the existing rootdg
# vxdg -g rootdg adddisk rootdisk02=disk85_p2

Write Volume Manager volume information to the LABEL file:
# /opt/VRTS/bin/vxbootsetup rootdisk02

Display the LIF and Volume Manager label information:
# vxvmboot -v /dev/rdisk/disk85

Check the Mirror status  ( Each volume should be with two plex )
$ vxprint –htg rootdg |egrep –i “^v|^pl”


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01 Jul 10 Quick and dirty awk trick to see all Fiber Channel status

I needed to update documentation and I needed more information that my prior script provided on fiber.

# Improvement by JRF on the ITRC forums.

ioscan -kfnC fc | awk ‘/fcd/ {getline;fcd=$NF;print fcd,$2}’ | while read -r fdev

fcmsutil ${fdev} | awk ‘/Hardware / {print $5};/World / { print $7}’


Ouput looks like this:





Second, new improved version (Girsah Chadash)
ioscan -kfnC fc | awk ‘/fcd/ {getline;fcd=$NF;print fcd,$2}’ | while read -r fde

fcmsutil ${fdev} | awk ‘/Hardware / {print $5};/World / { print $7}’ | awk’ {printf “%s %s %s %s %s”,$1, $2, $3, $4, $5;}’
fcmsutil ${fdev} | awk ‘/Hardware Path/ {PATH=$5};
/N_Port Node/ {NNODE=$7};
/N_Port Port/ {NPORT=$7};
/Switch Port/ {SPORT=$7};
/Switch Node/ {SNODE=$7};


Next innovation would be to combine the awk statements in the while loop and pull off the output with a single awk command. I may do this, but I might need help from an awk guru.

The ioscan output is multi line, so the real innovation is using the getline function of awk to get the second line of data and ignore the first. The filter /fcd gets rid of the column format information.

Yes it could be done with grep, but it is more AWKFUL this way.

Updated document to provide some indentation. Trying to make the code easier to read. That may force me to add formatted scripts to download, which I will get to as time permits.


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22 Feb 10 Obtain Fiber card WWN information from HP-UX npar

This was developed jointly by myself and Ted Fisher of Dana. Ted did most of the work, because I had to duck out of the office. The idea is however to take the utility fcmsutil and get it working in the recovery shell was developed jointly.

What follows is a putty log, with certain proprietary network information removed and a procedure.

Connect to the Console that controls the npar.


                                Welcome to the

                             Management Processor

                 HP 9000 and Integrity Superdome Server SD64B



Supported firmware-updateable entity combination: Recipe 8.7e                  





         CO: Consoles

        VFP: Virtual Front Panel

         CM: Command Menu

         CL: Console Logs

         SL: Show Logs

         FW: Firmware Update

         HE: Help

          X: Exit Connection


[dome-m1c] MP> co
    Partitions available:


     #   Name

    —  —-

     0)  dome-m1-NPAR0

     1)  dome-m1-NPAR1

     2)  dome-m1-NPAR2

     Q)  Quit


    Please select partition number: 2
        Connecting to OS Console: dome-m1-NPAR2

        (Use <Ctrl-b> to return to main menu.)

Client MAC Address: 00 22 64 E4 74 B2

Shell> lanboot select -cip -sip -m -b “/
  01  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,804)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|0)/Mac(002264E47438)
  02  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,804)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|1)/Mac(002264E47439)
  03  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,805)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|0)/Mac(002264E47444)
  04  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,805)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|1)/Mac(002264E47445)
  05  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,806)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|0)/Mac(002264E474A4)
  06  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,806)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|1)/Mac(002264E474A5)
  07  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,80C)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|0)/Mac(002264E474DE)
  08  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,80C)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|1)/Mac(002264E474DF)
  09  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,80D)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|0)/Mac(002264E474B2)
  10  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,80D)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|1)/Mac(002264E474B3)
  11  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,80E)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|0)/Mac(002264E4745C)
  12  Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,80E)/Pci(1|0)/Pci(6|1)/Mac(002264E4745D)
Select Desired LAN: 10

Client MAC Address: 00 22 64 E4 74 B3

LAN Configuration:
    Client MAC Address     : 00 22 64 E4 74 B3
    Client IP Address      :
    Subnet Mask            :
    Boot Server IP Address :
    DHCP Server IP Address :

Retrieving File Size.

    Boot file name: /opt/ignite/boot/nbp.efi
    Boot file size: 24576 bytes

Retrieving File (TFTP).

Executing Image: “/opt/ignite/boot/nbp.efi”
Optional Data: NONE
@(#) HP-UX IA64 Network Bootstrap Program Revision 1.0
Downloading HPUX bootloader
Starting HPUX bootloader
Obtaining size of fpswa.efi  / (328192 bytes)
Downloading file  fpswa.efi  -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\ (328192 bytes)

(C) Copyright 1999-2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
All rights reserved

HP-UX Boot Loader for IPF  —  Revision 2.036

Booting from Lan
Obtaining size of AUTO  | (226 bytes)
Downloading file  AUTO  /- (226 bytes)
Obtaining size of AUTO  \ (226 bytes)
Downloading file  AUTO  |/ (226 bytes)


Obtaining size of AUTO  – (226 bytes)
Downloading file  AUTO  \| (226 bytes)
    1.  target OS is B.11.23 IA
    2.  target OS is B.11.31 IA
    3.  Exit Boot Loader

Choose an operating system to install that your hardware supports:2

Obtaining size of AUTO  / (226 bytes)
Downloading file  AUTO  -\ (226 bytes)
Obtaining size of Rel_B.11.31/IINSTALL  | (50966795 bytes)
Downloading file  Rel_B.11.31/IINSTALL  /-\ (50966795 bytes)
> System Memory = 98106 MB
loading section 0
………………………………………………………………………………………. (complete)
loading section 1
…………….. (complete)
loading symbol table
Obtaining size of Rel_B.11.31/IINSTALLFS  | (61341696 bytes)
Downloading file  Rel_B.11.31/IINSTALLFS  /-\|//-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/- (61341696 bytes)
loading ram disk file (Rel_B.11.31/IINSTALLFS).
Launching Rel_B.11.31/IINSTALL
SIZE: Text:50828K + Data:8272K + BSS:23776K = Total:82878K

Console is on Serial Device – via PCDP
Booting kernel…

krs_read_mfs: Error 5 opening MFS.

Loaded ACPI revision 2.0 tables.

krs_read_mfs: Error 5 opening MFS.


Memory Class Setup


Class     Physmem              Lockmem              Swapmem


System :  93316 MB             93316 MB             93316 MB           

Kernel :  93316 MB             93316 MB             93316 MB           

User   :  90509 MB             80238 MB             80553 MB           



ktracer is off until requested.

Installing Socket Protocol families AF_INET and AF_INET6

Kernel EVM initialized

sec_init(): kernel RPC authentication/security initialization.

secgss_init():  kernel RPCSEC_GSS security initialization.

rpc_init(): kernel RPC initialization.

rpcmod_install(): kernel RPC STREAMS module “rpcmod” installation. …(driver_install)

NOTICE: nfs_client_pv3_install(): nfs3 File system was registered at index 11.

NOTICE: nfs_client_pv4_install(): nfs4 File system was registered at index 12.

iether0: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/4/1/0/6/0

iether1: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/4/1/0/6/1

iether2: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/5/1/0/6/0

iether3: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/5/1/0/6/1

iether4: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/6/1/0/6/0

iether5: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/6/1/0/6/1

iether6: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/12/1/0/6/0

iether7: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/12/1/0/6/1

iether8: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/13/1/0/6/0

iether9: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/13/1/0/6/1

iether10: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/14/1/0/6/0

iether11: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 8/0/14/1/0/6/1


    System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface

iether12: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/4/1/0/6/0

iether13: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/4/1/0/6/1

iether14: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/5/1/0/6/0

iether15: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/5/1/0/6/1

iether16: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/6/1/0/6/0

iether17: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/6/1/0/6/1

iether18: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/12/1/0/6/0

iether19: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/12/1/0/6/1

iether20: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/13/1/0/6/0

iether21: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/13/1/0/6/1

iether22: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/14/1/0/6/0

iether23: INITIALIZING HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter at hardware path 10/0/14/1/0/6/1

AF_INET socket/streams output daemon running, pid 158

afinet_prelink: module installed

Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1

    Swap device table:  (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)

        entry 0 – auto-configured on root device; ignored – no room

WARNING: No swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.

WARNING: No dump devices are configured.  Dump is disabled.

Create STCP device files

Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 2

     $Revision: vmunix:    B.11.31_LR FLAVOR=perf nfsauth: lookupname: 2


Memory Information:

    physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes

    Physical: 100461436 Kbytes, lockable: 80228428 Kbytes, available: 90518748 Kbytes


       * Preparing to execute init…
=======  02/19/10 13:42:01 EST  HP-UX Installation Initialization. (Fri Feb 19
         13:42:01 EST 2010)
         @(#)Ignite-UX Revision C.7.7.93
         @(#)ignite/launch (opt) Revision:
         /branches/IUX_RA0809/ignite/src@74753 Last Modified: 2008-07-11
         12:27:58 -0600 (Fri, 11 Jul 2008)
       * Configuring RAM filesystems…
       * Scanning system for IO devices…
       * Boot device is: 8/0/13/1/0/6/1
NOTE:    There were no disk devices found during the scan.  Make sure that the
         destination disks are connected and powered on.  You may choose to
         scan for more disk drives from next menu on the console.
NOTE:    Empty primary boot path reported by setboot: Primary bootpath :
NOTE:    Primary path not currently set to an existing disk device.
       * Setting keyboard language.
 ### We poke around and try and get the hardware information and the World Wide Name.
Welcome to Ignite-UX!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
  within fields.  Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
  Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list.  If the
  menus are not clear, select the “Help” item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: ia64 hp superdome server SD64B
  +———————-+—————+——————–+[ Scan Again  ]
  | Disks: 0  (    0.0GB)| Floppies: 0   | LAN cards:  24     |
  | CD/DVDs:0    | Tapes:    0   | Memory:    98106Mb |
  | Graphics Ports: 0    | IO Buses: 24  | CPUs:24     |[ H/W Details ]
  +———————-+—————+——————–+[      Install HP-UX       ][   Run an Expert Recovery Shell   ][    Advanced Options][  Reboot  ][  Help  ]     Install HP-UX       Run an Expert Recovery Shell  Networking must be enabled in order to load a shell.
(Press any key to continue.)LAN Interface SelectionMore than one network interface was detected on the system.  Youwill need to select the interface to enable.  Only one interfacecan be enabled, and it must be the one connected to the networkthat can be used in contacting the install and/or SD servers.Use the <tab> and/or arrow keys to move to the desired LAN deviceto enable, then press <Return>.HW Path    Interface   Station Address  Description———————————————————-[ 8/0/4/1/0/6 lan0     0x002264E47438   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/4/1/0/6 lan1     0x002264E47439   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/5/1/0/6 lan2     0x002264E47444   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/5/1/0/6 lan3     0x002264E47445   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/6/1/0/6 lan4     0x002264E474A4   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/6/1/0/6 lan5     0x002264E474A5   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/12/1/0/ lan6     0x002264E474DE   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/12/1/0/ lan7     0x002264E474DF   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/13/1/0/ lan8     0x002264E474B2   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/13/1/0/ lan9     0x002264E474B3   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ][ 8/0/14/1/0/ lan10    0x002264E4745C   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B ]8/0/13/1/0/ lan9     0x002264E474B3   HP_AD194-60001_PCI/PCI-X_1000B* Searching the network for a DHCP server to supply default networkinginformation….This could take up to 30 seconds if a DHCP server cannot be found. Ifyou wish to cancel the DHCP server search, you may press CTRL-C now.* Could not get DHCP information.  No host specific network defaultswill be supplied.  (dhcpclient returned: 9)NETWORK CONFIGURATIONNETWORK CONFIGURATIONThis system’s hostname:                Internet protocol address (eg. of this host:                Default gateway routing internet protocol address:     The subnet mask (eg. or 0xfffff800):  IP address of the Ignite-UX server system:   Is this networking information only temporary?  [ No  ][   OK   ][ Cancel ][  Help  ] No  OK    OK  ancelancelHelp  Help test        <est NETWORK CONFIGURATIONThis system’s hostname:<est            Internet protocol address (eg. of this host:                Default gateway routing internet protocol address:     The subnet mask (eg. or 0xfffff800):  IP address of the Ignite-UX server system:   Is this networking information only temporary?  [ No  ][   OK   ][ Cancel ][  Help  ] No  OK    OK  ancelancelHelp  Help testo YesYesYes OK    OK         * Bringing up Network (lan9)
add net default: gateway
* Reading configuration information from server…
       * Creating disk device files…
       * Loading the recovery commands…

### We arrive at the recovery shell.


                  WARNING:  YOU ARE SUPERUSER !!


Checking for required components on the Ignite Server……..


Loading some basic commands…
Required files exist … Proceeding
Cannot find the disk referenced by the primary
boot path: “” in /tmp/ or /tmp/

The default chosen for the root disk may not be correct.
press <return> to continue

                            MAIN MENU

        s.  Search for a file
        b.  Reboot
        l.  Load a file
        r.  Recover an unbootable HP-UX system
        x.  Exit to shell
This menu is for listing and loading the tools contained on the core media.
Once a tool is loaded, it may be run from the shell. Some tools require other
files to be present in order to successfully execute.

Select one of the above: Dead gateway detection can’t ping the last remaining default gateway at 0xa088001 .See ndd -h ip_ire_gw_probe for more info

Dead gateway detection can’t ping the last remaining default gateway at 0xa088001 .See ndd -h ip_ire_gw_probe for more info

l   NOTE: Loading some files may require other files/libraries to be loaded.
       If an attempt is made to load a file, and an error message is
       encountered when the command is invoked, it may be useful to use
       the chatr command (on a system that is up and running) to ensure that
       dependencies are met.  See chatr(1) for more details.
       For some commands (vi, ftp, rcp), the dependent files will be
       automatically loaded.  For others, you need to load them manually.

       If you specify a filename of “all” a list of all the files available
       will be displayed.


## The recovery shell put the OS into ram based file systems.
Filesystem           kbytes    used   avail %cap iused   ifree iused Mounted on
/                    57892   23319   34573  40%    68   14332   0%   ?
Filesystem           kbytes    used   avail %cap iused   ifree iused Mounted on
/RAMFS1             102400   17835   79393  18%    93   21139   0%   ?
Filesystem           kbytes    used   avail %cap iused   ifree iused Mounted on
/RAMFS2            1572864   24791 1451423   2%   127  387017   0%   ?

## We need tar, so we need to transfer tar to the recovery shell. 

Enter the filename(s) to load:
********  THE REQUESTED FILE(S): *********** 



   Is the above load list correct? [y/(n)] y


 ********* downloading the files *******
x ./usr/bin/tar, 146032 bytes, 286 tape blocks

<Press return to continue>


                            MAIN MENU

        s.  Search for a file
        b.  Reboot
        l.  Load a file
        r.  Recover an unbootable HP-UX system
        x.  Exit to shell
This menu is for listing and loading the tools contained on the core media.
Once a tool is loaded, it may be run from the shell. Some tools require other
files to be present in order to successfully execute.

Select one of the above: l

    NOTE: Loading some files may require other files/libraries to be loaded.
       If an attempt is made to load a file, and an error message is
       encountered when the command is invoked, it may be useful to use
       the chatr command (on a system that is up and running) to ensure that
       dependencies are met.  See chatr(1) for more details.
       For some commands (vi, ftp, rcp), the dependent files will be
       automatically loaded.  For others, you need to load them manually.

       If you specify a filename of “all” a list of all the files available
       will be displayed.
At this point we have on the Ignite server craeted a file called fcms.tar. We have to use tftp to get the file into the Ignite server.


cd /opt/fcms

tar -cvf /var/opt/ignite/fcms.tar .

cd /usr/lib/hpux64

tar -cvf /var/opt/ignite/lib64.tar .

tftp <ip of ignite server>


tftp> get /var/opt/ignite/fcms.tar
Received 3689985 bytes in 0.7 seconds
tftp> Dead gateway detection can’t ping the last remaining default gateway at 0xa088001 .See ndd -h ip_ire_gw_probe for more info
tftp> quit
# ll
total 385884
-rw-r–r–   1 root       sys        3665920 Feb 19 14:00 fcms.tar
-rw-r–r–   1 root       sys        192040960 Feb 19 13:58 lib64.tar
# pwd
# tar     mv fcms.tar /opt/fcms
# ll
total 375096
-rw-r–r–   1 root       sys        192040960 Feb 19 13:58 lib64.tar
# tar -xvf lib64.tar
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 91352 bytes, 179 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 328256 bytes, 642 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 84704 bytes, 166 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 359816 bytes, 703 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 192872 bytes, 377 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/netmgr/
x ./netmgr/, 350936 bytes, 686 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/netmgr/
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 351216 bytes, 686 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 358384 bytes, 700 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 354144 bytes, 692 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 187584 bytes, 367 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./netmgr/, 881408 bytes, 1722 tape blocks
x ./netmgr/ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 76768 bytes, 150 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 244296 bytes, 478 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 96464 bytes, 189 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 298840 bytes, 584 tape blocks
x ./cra/ symbolic link to ./
x ./cra/, 361264 bytes, 706 tape blocks
x ./cra/ symbolic link to ./
x ./cra/, 162048 bytes, 317 tape blocks
x ./cra/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/cra/
x ./cra/, 100528 bytes, 197 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 292384 bytes, 572 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 196200 bytes, 384 tape blocks
x ./libcres.a, 94982 bytes, 186 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 76664 bytes, 150 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 82816 bytes, 162 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 91656 bytes, 180 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 74416 bytes, 146 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 582760 bytes, 1139 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 85680 bytes, 168 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 84248 bytes, 165 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 176000 bytes, 344 tape blocks
x ./milli.a, 52590 bytes, 103 tape blocks
x ./millikern.a, 60144 bytes, 118 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 82480 bytes, 162 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 278936 bytes, 545 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/ldapux/lib/hpux64/
x ./libp/ symbolic link to ./
x ./libp/, 5267664 bytes, 10289 tape blocks
x ./libp/libcres.a, 102214 bytes, 200 tape blocks
x ./libp/ symbolic link to ./
x ./libp/, 71664 bytes, 140 tape blocks
x ./unix2003.o, 1848 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./unix95.o, 1848 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./unix98.o, 1848 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./, 5164024 bytes, 10086 tape blocks
x ./, 1091952 bytes, 2133 tape blocks
x ./dpd/, 12672 bytes, 25 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 677016 bytes, 1323 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 4898520 bytes, 9568 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 70384 bytes, 138 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 69336 bytes, 136 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 78488 bytes, 154 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 336656 bytes, 658 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 81904 bytes, 160 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 90696 bytes, 178 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 82720 bytes, 162 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 83864 bytes, 164 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 6465904 bytes, 12629 tape blocks
x ./, 179704 bytes, 351 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 91528 bytes, 179 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 79688 bytes, 156 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 73584 bytes, 144 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 1535512 bytes, 3000 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 1780504 bytes, 3478 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 85568 bytes, 168 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 3684800 bytes, 7197 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 3858512 bytes, 7537 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 77032 bytes, 151 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 538840 bytes, 1053 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 3297648 bytes, 6441 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 660248 bytes, 1290 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 635200 bytes, 1241 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 77800 bytes, 152 tape blocks
x ./, 1383776 bytes, 2703 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 73648 bytes, 144 tape blocks
x ./, 160704 bytes, 314 tape blocks
x ./, 182864 bytes, 358 tape blocks
x ./libcrypto.a symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/libcrypto.a
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/
x ./libssl.a symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/libssl.a
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./engines/ symbolic link to /opt/openssl/lib/hpux64/engines/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/lvm/lib/hpux64/
x ./libCsup.a, 1450254 bytes, 2833 tape blocks
x ./libdas.a, 520758 bytes, 1018 tape blocks
x ./liblinkmap.a, 101594 bytes, 199 tape blocks
x ./libm.a, 8314252 bytes, 16239 tape blocks
x ./librwtool.a, 6788814 bytes, 13260 tape blocks
x ./librwtool_v2.a, 7375734 bytes, 14406 tape blocks
x ./libstd.a, 746764 bytes, 1459 tape blocks
x ./libstd_v2.a, 6554730 bytes, 12803 tape blocks
x ./libstream.a, 1103494 bytes, 2156 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 364976 bytes, 713 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 169360 bytes, 331 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 4119128 bytes, 8046 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 269088 bytes, 526 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 357400 bytes, 699 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 221336 bytes, 433 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 209912 bytes, 410 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 129632 bytes, 254 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 1396744 bytes, 2729 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/, 90520 bytes, 177 tape blocks
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./X11R6/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ../../contrib/X11R6/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ../../contrib/X11R6/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./X11R6/
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 365296 bytes, 714 tape blocks
x ./, 11300984 bytes, 22073 tape blocks
x ./, 1510856 bytes, 2951 tape blocks
x ./, 89536 bytes, 175 tape blocks
x ./, 91184 bytes, 179 tape blocks
x ./, 107248 bytes, 210 tape blocks
x ./, 99792 bytes, 195 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 109208 bytes, 214 tape blocks
x ./, 76384 bytes, 150 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 13180696 bytes, 25744 tape blocks
x ./, 243104 bytes, 475 tape blocks
x ./, 1971648 bytes, 3851 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./gss/ symbolic link to ./
x ./gss/ symbolic link to /opt/krb5core/lib/hpux64/gss/
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/krb5core/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to ./gss/
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/krb5core/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/krb5core/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 485840 bytes, 949 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/snia/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/fcms/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/fcms/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/fcms/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 71664 bytes, 140 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to /opt/sas/lib/
x ./Motif2.1/, 486976 bytes, 952 tape blocks
x ./Motif2.1/, 7007912 bytes, 13688 tape blocks
x ./Motif2.1/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/Motif2.1/
x ./Motif2.1/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/Motif2.1/
x ./ symbolic link to ./Motif2.1/
x ./ symbolic link to ./Motif2.1/
x ./libcps.a, 516320 bytes, 1009 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 304720 bytes, 596 tape blocks
x ./libF90.a, 13875552 bytes, 27101 tape blocks
x ./libF90_parallel.a, 15463940 bytes, 30204 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 10920688 bytes, 21330 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 12172192 bytes, 23774 tape blocks
x ./libIO77.a, 4147142 bytes, 8100 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 2912872 bytes, 5690 tape blocks
x ./libomp.a, 129772 bytes, 254 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 96792 bytes, 190 tape blocks
x ./libU77.a, 573864 bytes, 1121 tape blocks
x ./, 296392 bytes, 579 tape blocks
x ./, 84328 bytes, 165 tape blocks
x ./libJudy.a, 1284862 bytes, 2510 tape blocks
x ./, 973024 bytes, 1901 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./, 91256 bytes, 179 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 70560 bytes, 138 tape blocks
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to /usr/lib/hpux64/
x ./ symbolic link to ./
x ./, 159952 bytes, 313 tape blocks
# rm lib64.tar
# cd /opt/fcms
# Dead gateway detection can’t ping the last remaining default gateway at 0xa088001 .See ndd -h ip_ire_gw_probe for more info

total 7160
-rw-r–r–   1 root       sys        3665920 Feb 19 14:00 fcms.tar
# tar -xvf fcms.tar
x ./include/snia_common.h, 16584 bytes, 33 tape blocks
x ./lib/hpux32/ symbolic link to ./
x ./lib/hpux32/, 267904 bytes, 524 tape blocks
x ./lib/hpux32/ symbolic link to ./
x ./lib/hpux32/, 294104 bytes, 575 tape blocks
x ./lib/hpux32/ symbolic link to ./
x ./lib/hpux32/, 263560 bytes, 515 tape blocks
x ./lib/hpux64/ symbolic link to ./
x ./lib/hpux64/, 274096 bytes, 536 tape blocks
x ./lib/hpux64/ symbolic link to ./
x ./lib/hpux64/, 300416 bytes, 587 tape blocks
x ./lib/hpux64/ symbolic link to ./
x ./lib/hpux64/, 269768 bytes, 527 tape blocks
x ./lib/pa20_64/ symbolic link to ./libhbaapifcd.1
x ./lib/pa20_64/libhbaapifcd.1, 102168 bytes, 200 tape blocks
x ./lib/pa20_64/ symbolic link to ./libhbaapihp.1
x ./lib/pa20_64/libhbaapihp.1, 96176 bytes, 188 tape blocks
x ./lib/ symbolic link to ./libhbaapifcd.1
x ./lib/libhbaapifcd.1, 102400 bytes, 200 tape blocks
x ./lib/ symbolic link to ./libhbaapihp.1
x ./lib/libhbaapihp.1, 98304 bytes, 192 tape blocks
x ./bin/fcddiag, 13467 bytes, 27 tape blocks
x ./bin/fcdlist, 9494 bytes, 19 tape blocks
x ./bin/fcdutil, 514048 bytes, 1004 tape blocks
x ./bin/fcmsutil, 71652 bytes, 140 tape blocks
x ./bin/fclpdiag, 12525 bytes, 25 tape blocks
x ./bin/fclplist, 6344 bytes, 13 tape blocks
x ./bin/fclputil, 644704 bytes, 1260 tape blocks
x ./bin/tddiag, 12175 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./bin/tdlist, 7227 bytes, 15 tape blocks
x ./bin/tdutil, 195656 bytes, 383 tape blocks
x ./config/A6826A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/A9782A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/A9784A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/AB378A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/AB379A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/AB465A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/AD193A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/AD194A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/AD300A, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/vendorfcd.conf, 124 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/vendorfclp.conf, 125 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/A5158A, 187 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/A6795A, 195 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./config/vendor.conf, 13 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./tools/, 18960 bytes, 38 tape blocks
x ./tools/, 16646 bytes, 33 tape blocks
x ./tools/, 7689 bytes, 16 tape blocks
# rm fcms.tar
# /opt    iosca ac n
H/W Path        Class                        Description
8               cell                        
8/0                 ioa                      System Bus Adapter (12eb)
8/0/0                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/0/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/1                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/1/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/2                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/2/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/4                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/4/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/4/1/0                    ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
8/0/4/1/0/4/0                      fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/4/1/0/4/1                      fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/4/1/0/6/0                      lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/4/1/0/6/1                      lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/5                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/5/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/5/1/0                    ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
8/0/5/1/0/4/0                      fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/5/1/0/4/1                      fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/5/1/0/6/0                      lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/5/1/0/6/1                      lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/6                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/6/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/6/1/0                    ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
8/0/6/1/0/4/0                      fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/6/1/0/4/1                      fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/6/1/0/6/0                      lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/6/1/0/6/1                      lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/8                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/8/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/9                  ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/9/1                   slot               PCI Slot
8/0/10                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/10/1                  slot               PCI Slot
8/0/12                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/12/1                  slot               PCI Slot
8/0/12/1/0                   ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
8/0/12/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/12/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/12/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/12/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/13                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/13/1                  slot               PCI Slot
8/0/13/1/0                   ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
8/0/13/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/13/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/13/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/13/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/14                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
8/0/14/1                  slot               PCI Slot
8/0/14/1/0                   ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
8/0/14/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/14/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/14/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/0/14/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
8/120               processor                Processor
8/121               processor                Processor
8/122               processor                Processor
8/123               processor                Processor
8/124               processor                Processor
8/125               processor                Processor
8/126               processor                Processor
8/127               processor                Processor
8/250               ba                       Core I/O Adapter
8/250/0                acpi_node             Acpi Hardware
8/250/1                ipmi                  IPMI Controller
8/250/2                tty                   Built-in RS232C
9               cell                        
9/120               processor                Processor
9/121               processor                Processor
9/122               processor                Processor
9/123               processor                Processor
9/124               processor                Processor
9/125               processor                Processor
9/126               processor                Processor
9/127               processor                Processor
9/250               ba                       Core I/O Adapter
9/250/0                acpi_node             Acpi Hardware
10              cell                        
10/0                ioa                      System Bus Adapter (12eb)
10/0/0                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/0/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/1                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/1/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/2                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/2/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/4                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/4/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/4/1/0                   ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
10/0/4/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/4/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/4/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/4/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/5                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/5/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/5/1/0                   ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
10/0/5/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/5/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/5/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/5/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/6                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/6/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/6/1/0                   ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
10/0/6/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/6/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/6/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/6/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/8                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/8/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/9                 ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/9/1                  slot               PCI Slot
10/0/10                ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/10/1                 slot               PCI Slot
10/0/12                ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/12/1                 slot               PCI Slot
10/0/12/1/0                  ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
10/0/12/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/12/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/12/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/12/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/13                ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/13/1                 slot               PCI Slot
10/0/13/1/0                  ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
10/0/13/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/13/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/13/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/13/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/14                ba                    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
10/0/14/1                 slot               PCI Slot
10/0/14/1/0                  ba              PCItoPCI Bridge
10/0/14/1/0/4/0                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/14/1/0/4/1                     fc        HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/14/1/0/6/0                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/0/14/1/0/6/1                     lan       HP AD194-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
10/120              processor                Processor
10/121              processor                Processor
10/122              processor                Processor
10/123              processor                Processor
10/124              processor                Processor
10/125              processor                Processor
10/126              processor                Processor
10/127              processor                Processor
10/250              ba                       Core I/O Adapter
10/250/0               acpi_node             Acpi Hardware
# ioscan

# ioscan gets you the device of the fiber card, which you can not put into fcmsutil. Bingo, you have WWN
# ioscan -fc  Cfc
H/W Path        Class                      Description
8/0/4/1/0/4/0                      fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/4/1/0/4/1                      fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/5/1/0/4/0                      fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/5/1/0/4/1                      fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/6/1/0/4/0                      fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/6/1/0/4/1                      fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/12/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/12/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/13/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/13/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
8/0/14/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
8/0/14/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/4/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/4/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/5/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/5/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/6/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/6/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/12/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/12/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/13/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/13/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
10/0/14/1/0/4/0                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
10/0/14/1/0/4/1                     fc      HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
# ioscan -Cfc -kn |grep dev
# ioscan -Cfc -f
# /opt/fcms/bin/fcdutil /dev/fcd23

                           Vendor ID is = 0x1077
                           Device ID is = 0x2422
            PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x103C
                   PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x12DF
                               PCI Mode = PCI-X 133 MHz
                       ISP Code version = 4.2.2
                       ISP Chip version = 3
                      Previous Topology = UNINITIALIZED
                             Link Speed = UNKNOWN
                     Local N_Port_id is = None
                  Previous N_Port_id is = None
            N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x5001438002a24a3b
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x5001438002a24a3a
            Switch Port World Wide Name = 0
            Switch Node World Wide Name = 0
              N_Port Symbolic Port Name = ttest_fcd23
              N_Port Symbolic Node Name = ttest_HP-UX_B.11.31
                           Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP
                       Hardware Path is = 10/0/14/1/0/4/1
                     Maximum Frame Size = 2048
         Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
         Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
                         Driver Version = @(#) fcd B.11.31.0809.%319 Jul  7 2008

# for dev in $(ioscan -Fnk -Cfc |grep dev)
> do
> /opt/fcms/bin/fcdutil $dev
> done

##### snipping the output……####

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11 Feb 10 EMC based system I/O layout tool

This tool is called

It works on superdome and rp8420 systems. It requires the EMC utility inq be installed on the system or it simply will not work.

You can provide new translation tables for i/o layout and get it to work on other platforms. It might work on the host for a blade system. It will not under any circumstances work on an hpvm guest.

Translation tables:



sprotte@mngp01:/home/sprotte $ cat super.translate.dat

—end data—-


This file is specific to your vlan and router configuration. It uses linkloop to confirm network connectivity. This portion of the final script can be commented out. the data below is altered due to corporate security concerns.


sprotte@mngp01:/home/sprotte $ cat router.macadd.dat Production Peoplesoft Replica Network

—end data—

The script:

—begin script—


typeset MYDIR=/var/tmp/syslayout
typeset MYPAGE=mypage
typeset MYDATA=mydata
typeset IDX_HTML=syslayout.html

writehtml (){
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
echo “<td>${1}</td>” >> ${IDX_HTML}

echo “<tr>” >> ${IDX_HTML}

cat -<<!EOF > ${IDX_HTML}
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”>
<title>Dana IT Unix System documentation</title>
<TABLE style=”WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); TEXT-ALIGN: left” cellSpacing=2
cellPadding=2 border=0>
<td width=”200″><img
style=”border-width: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;” alt=”Dana”
src=”dana_logo.jpg”> </td>
<td style=”font-weight: bold;”><big><big>Dana

<TD style=”VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; TEXT-ALIGN: center” colSpan=7><BIG
style=”FONT-FAMILY: helvetica,arial,sans-serif”><BIG>Dana IT system I/O Layout.</BIG></BIG><BR></TD></TR>

# colum layout # Path       slot MAC Address    lan  ipaddress      vlan   linkstatus

sysname=$(uname -n)
this_cell=$(vparstatus -p $sysname -v |awk ‘/Boot processor/ {print $4}’ |awk -F’\.’ ‘{print $1}’)

# echo $this_cell

this_par=$(parstatus -c 0 |awk ‘/cell’$this_cell’/ {print $9}’)

nparname=$(/usr/sbin/parstatus -P |awk “/^$this_par/ {if(pname == 1) {print}};/Partition Name/ {pname=1}”|awk ‘/’$this_par’ / {print $6}’)

#echo “Diag nparname: ${nparname}”

complexname=$(/usr/sbin/parstatus -X |awk “/Complex Name/”)

nparinfo=$(/usr/sbin/parstatus -P |awk “/^$this_par/ {if(pname == 1) {print}};/Partition Name/ {pname=1}”)
# model needs to be determineed
OS=$(uname -r)
if [ “$OS” = “B.11.31” ]
mod=$(model | awk ‘{ print $5 }’)
mod=$(model | awk -F/ ‘{ print $3}’)


this_cell=$(vparstatus -p ${hn} -v |awk ‘/Boot processor/ {print $4}’ |awk -F’\.’ ‘{print $1}’)

echo $this_cell

this_par=$(parstatus -c 0 |awk ‘/cell’$this_cell’/ {print $9}’)

/usr/sbin/parstatus -P |awk “/cell/ {if(pname == 1) {print}};/Partition Name/ {pname=1}”|awk ‘/’$this_par’ / {print $6}’

echo “Host name: ${lhn}”
writehtml “Host name:” ${lhn}
echo “Model number is: $mod”
writehtml “Model number:” ${mod}
#echo “<td>$complexname</td><td>$nparname</td><tr>” >>  ${IDX_HTML}
writehtml “${complexname}” ${nparname}
echo “Model number is: $mod”
pbootpath=$(parstatus -p 0 -V |awk -F: ‘/Primary Boot Path/ {print $2}’)

echo “Primary boot path: ${pbootpath}”
writehtml “Primary boot path:” ${pbootpath}
#echo “<td>$complexname</td><td>$nparnam</td><tr>” >>  ${IDX_HTML}
# echo “<td>Path</td><td>slot</td><td>MAC Address</td><td>lan</td><td>IP Address</td><td>vlan</td><td>Link Status</td><tr>” >>  ${IDX_HTML}
writehtml Path slot MAC_Address lan IP_Address vlan Link_Status

#echo “$nparinfo”
# echo “Path        slot MAC         lan     check    ip”
# 2/0/5/1/0/6/1 4 0x002264E4948B lan1
echo  “Path       slot MAC Address    lan  ipaddress      vlan   linkstatus”

/usr/sbin/ioscan -fnk | awk ‘/^lan/ {print $3}’ |while read -r path
echo $path  | sed ‘s/\// /g’ | read p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
macaddy=$(lanscan | awk ‘{if($1 == “‘${path}'”) print $2}’)
lanid=$(lanscan | awk ‘{if($1 == “‘${path}'”) print $5}’)
plan=$(lanscan | awk ‘{if($1 == “‘${path}'”) print $3}’)
lchk=$(/usr/sbin/linkloop -i $plan $macaddy 2>/dev/null | grep “OK”)
# If linkloop produces postive results then see if there is an ip address
ip=”IP not set”
if [ -n “$lchk” ]
# echo “lchk not null. running ifconfig command”
ip=$(/usr/sbin/ifconfig $lanid | grep netmask | awk ‘{print $2}’)
# roll through the router table and see if you can establish
# linkloop with the gateway
DRMAC=”No link..”
DVLAN=”Not found”
#while [[ “$value” != “val1” || “$value” != “val2” || “$value” != “val3” ]]
while read -r DL
rmacaddy=$(echo $DL | awk -F: ‘{print $2}’)
rvlan=$(echo $DL | awk -F: ‘{print $3}’)
rlchk=$(/usr/sbin/linkloop -i $plan $rmacaddy 2>/dev/null | grep “OK”)
if [ -n “$rlchk” ]
# echo “rlchk not null. setting vlan information.”
done < $MA

#  echo “${path} ${p7} ${macaddy} ${lanid} ${lchk} ${ip} ”
#p1=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $1}’);
#p2=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $2}’);
#p3=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $3}’);
#p4=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $4}’);
#p5=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $5}’);
#p6=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $6}’);
#p7=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $7}’);

portpath=$(echo $path | awk -F/ ‘{print $3}’)
actualport=$(awk -F: ‘{if($2 == “‘${portpath}'” && $3 == “‘$mod'”) print $1}’ ${DF})

# echo “Actual path: ${p1} ${p2} ${p3} ${p4} ${p5} ${p6} ${p7}  ${actualport} ${ip} ${macaddy} ${lanid} ${ip}”
echo “${path} ${actualport} ${macaddy} ${lanid} ${ip}   ${DVLAN}   ${DRMAC}”
# echo “<td>${path}</td><td>${actualport}</td><td>${macaddy}</td><td>${lanid}</td><td>${ip}</td><td>${DVLAN}</td><td>${DRMAC}</td><tr>” >> ${IDX_HTML}
writehtml ${path} ${actualport} ${macaddy} ${lanid} ${ip} ${DVLAN} ${DRMAC}

echo “Fiber Channel….”
# echo “<td>Fiber Channel….</td><tr>” >> ${IDX_HTML}
writehtml  “Fiber Channel”
echo “PATH       slot Device… Status spd Hardware address”
# echo “<td>PATH</td><td>slot</td><td>Device</td><td>Status</td><td>speed</td><td>Hardware address</td><tr>” >>  ${IDX_HTML}
writehtml PATH slot Device Status speed Hardware address
#/usr/sbin/ioscan -fnCfc | grep fcd | awk ‘{print $3}’ |while read -r path
/usr/sbin/ioscan -fnk | awk ‘/^fc / {hw=$3;getline;print hw,$1}’ |while read -r hw devfile
#   echo “diag ${hw} dev file … ${devfile}”
port=$(echo $hw | awk -F/ ‘{print $3}’)
OSTAT=$(fcmsutil $devfile | awk ‘/ONLINE/  {print $4}’)
LSPD=$(fcmsutil $devfile | awk ‘/Link Speed/  {print $4}’)
WWN=$(fcmsutil $devfile | awk ‘/N_Port Port World Wide Name/  {print $7}’)
#  OSTAT=$(fcmsutil /dev/fcd1 | awk ‘/ONLINE/  {print $4}’)
#  LSPD=$(fcmsutil /dev/fcd1 | awk ‘/Link Speed/  {print $4}’)
#  WWN=$(fcmsutil /dev/fcd1 | awk ‘/N_Port Port World Wide Name/  {print $7}’)
actualport=$(awk -F: ‘{if($2 == “‘${port}'” && $3 == “‘$mod'”) print $1}’ ${DF})
echo “$hw ${actualport} $devfile ${OSTAT} ${LSPD} ${WWN}”
#echo “<td>$hw</td><td>${actualport}</td> <td>$devfile</td><td>${OSTAT}</td><td>${LSPD}</td> <td>${WWN}</td><tr>” >>  ${IDX_HTML}
writehtml ${hw} ${actualport} ${devfile} ${OSTAT} ${LSPD} ${WWN}

#awk -F: ‘{printf(“%8s %5s %4s\n”,$1,$3,$4)}’ steve

cat -<< !EOF >> ${IDX_HTML}

chmod a+r ${IDX_HTML}
# Added to copy the data file to my home directory for diagnosis.
cp syslayout.html /home/sprotte
chmod a+r /home/sprotte/syslayout.html

—end script—

Your mileage may vary. You will have to customize this script.

There is html based output.

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09 Sep 09 Case Study: Capacity & Migration planning for a small organization

This is our first case study. The events leading up to it occur between 1998 and 2002. It is a real life case study based on my experience. For legal reasons, I can not identify the organization. It is a charity that raises now around $100 million, 92% of funds raised go to actual charitable work. 8% is overhead. IT infrastructure is overhead, even though it is critical to actually raising funds.

From 1991-2005 I worked at this charity in IT, first as a programmer analyst, then as a dba, finally becoming the backup Unix Admin in 1998 and the full time Unix Admin in 2000. The organization ran its legacy fund raising systems on a pair of D class HP-UX systems. The back end database was Software AG adabas. The user fund raising community wanted to have an sql like ability to look into the database and run queries. they wanted flexible use of strategic data. An attempt was made in early 1997 to install a sql front end, but it did not provide acceptable results.

An internal study was done and it was decided in late 1997 to migrate legacy systems to a web based front end, with Oracle as the back end database, Oracle Application Server using forms and reports to build applications. Initially no plan was made to migrate to stronger hardware, due to the assurance from Oracle that their software would run on the existing infrastructure.

By 2000 it was obvious that this was not true. Though the database server itself ran acceptably, there was not sufficient memory or disk capacity to run the application server. So I was asked to prepare a plan to migrate legacy systems. Here were the guidelines:

  • To run three environments, to be described below, each with a database server, an application server and forms and reports development tools on them.
  • Sandbox was to be used to test OS patches, Oracle patches, and tools upgrades. It was to belong to the systems administrator who was permitted to restart this system on short or no notice.
  • The development environment was to be where the developers were to develop code. It needed to be stable and available 100% during normal development hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Any changes made to his system were first to be vetted on the sandbox system.
  • The production system had the same uptime requirements accept that all changes needed to be vetted first on the other two systems.
  • The hardware was to be the same model for all the systems. This was defined to avoid hardware surprises. Only the production system needed to be at full capacity. the other systems were to be the same to permit realistic load testing.
  • Databases would be hosted on SAN disk with an HBA fiber channel connection. Systems were to boot locally.

Overall, I thought this was a solid foundation. Some of the points were made by management, some were suggested by me.

The following basic technical requirements were developed:

  • Overall database needed to be approximately 5 GB for server. Actual use hit 15 GB by 2005. This growth factor was planned.
  • Oracle Server, one instance had to run on each server.
  • Oracle Application server one instance had to run on each server.
  • Legacy applications Natural/Software AG Adabas needed to run on each server.
  • Server configuration needs to be manged and tracked responsibly.
  • HP-UX bi-annual updates needed to be installed in a timely basis after quality assurance.
  • The replacement cycle on hardware would be 3-5 years to maintain cost savings provided by being under warranty (First three years)

Deployment Diagram

Server Deployment

Other Relevant facts on the decision making process.

  • HP Hardware and Software agreements were running over $30,000 per year on existing infrastructure.
  • Much of the cost was hardware support due to the age and near obsolescence of the hardware.
  • Significant savings could be obtained by using current hardware that was under warranty.
  • Systems would be configured and used to provide a disaster recovery solution.

Three vendors were picked to provide proposals. All ended up recommending HP-9000 L2000(later renamed rp5450) servers. Here are the highlights:

  • rp5450 systems with 2 GB system memory.
  • 146 GB dual disks to server as boot disks with software mirroring.
  • 2 CPU would be installed per server.
  • Memory capacity and purchase was planned to enable an upgrade to 8 GB without replacing exiting memory.
  • Two HBA Fiber channel cards provided per machine to provide redundancy and fail over.
  • A capital budget request was made showing that support cost savings would over the course of 4 years, completely recover the cost of the systems.
  • Systems would each have a Ultirum tape drive, for locally provided backups and Ignite-UX make_tape_recovery backups as part of the DR plan.
  • Systems had two Gigabit Network Interface cards.
  • Systems would have a private network for use in Ignite backup, recovery and system replication.
  • Systems were to be delivered with HP-UX 11.11
  • HP provided RAC and UPS and PDU were specified.

How it went:

  • Systems were delivered in May of 2002.
  • Initial OS install began immediately. Systems were initially delivered with HP-UX 11.00. We delayed start of installation until correct media was provided.
  • All three systems were installed with a base OS to insure that hardware was working.
  • OS patch requirements for Oracle, security and bi-annual updates were installed on the sand box. It was decided that Ignite Golden Image would be used to replicate the sand box configuration, once a stable configuration was found.
  • Significant problems were encountered with the Oracle and Oracle Application Server installations. The version was changed twice. Several major Oracle patch sets had to be installed to deal with “show stopper” bugs that were encountered.
  • After the September 11 attacks in New York City in 2001, a security review was conducted and the deployment plan was modified to include improved security. Several rounds of patching and tools testing occurred on the OS level.
  • In December of 2002, the application development team notified us that they were satisfied with the sandbox and asked that an Ignite image be made and transferred to the development system.
  • In January-February of 2003 Imaging was done and the system was replicated. There were OS problems with the Ignite replication that took several weeks to work out.
  • Several changes were requested by the development staff. They were tested on the sand box and then deployed on the development system.
  • An Ignite central server was built on the sand box to handle images which were shared on NFS and available for use after booting of the sandbox Ignite configuration.
  • In June of 2003 after several change cycles the configuration was approved for deployment.
  • Ignite replication was completed on the production environment using the sandbox, which had been frozen for this purpose as the image template.
  • In August of 2003 all legacy systems were cut over to the rp5450 systems. HR would be migrated 18 months later due to Integration issues.
  • In the early of 2004 due to performance and memory use issues all systems were upgraded to 8 GB of system RAM.
  • For the year 2004 there was no downtime in production systems during normal business hours.
  • Weekly Ignite tape backups were taken on all systems and network based backup to shared NFS was used as a secondary DR method.
  • In February of 2004 a DR test was run at the HP Performance center and we successfully migrated a sandbox image to an rp5470 server in the HP infrastructure. Legacy systems were tested and approved as functional.

Note: This document was designed entirely using the wordpress interface and a Linux system. The diagram was created with a free Linux alternative to visio called dia. The tool is in evaluation, and might be replaced. Still a pretty good start. Cost to produce this environment in licensing fees?: Zero dollars.

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