Tips and Tricks site for advanced HP-UX Engineers

01 Dec 22 HP-UX system runs out of tty devices. To many sessions

  1. logins will hang, looking for a tty device
  2. kctune | grep npty
  3. kctune | grep nstrpty
  4. <removed>
  5. “PTY allocation request failed on channel 0” should be on the hang screen
  6. kctune npty=240 ; kctune nstrpty=240 

    A reboot will be required to implement the change.

19 Jul 22 Disk issues on HP-UX

So you are having disk problems:

Scenario 1:

You need to build a logical volume on a disk that is in the kernel. You have other issues that will not let you completely replace /etc/lvmtab

mv /etc/lvmtab /etc/

vgscan -av

You need that disk number 967 to change.

ioscan -NfnCdisk shows the offending device files




What to do?

Force the system to hand out new device files.

rmsf /dev/rdisk/disk967

rmsf /dev/disk/disk967

rmsf -H 64000/0xfa00/0x102

scsimgr -h lun_reset -D /dev/rdisk/disk967

insf -e

Possible alternative:

vgreduce -f /dev/vgname

Trick of the day if you are seing flapping on the SAN. Such as a scenario where deices are giong on and ofline.

ioscan -fN | wc -l ## Gets you a count.

drop the wc -l and you get a pretty detailed look at the HBA/SAN/disk infrastructure.

ioscan -fN

16 Dec 21 Linux vgs port for HPUX (updated to work with vg version 2.2)

A while back, I came across a port of the very nice linux vgs command for HP-UX. A h/t to Juan Manuel Rey ( for that original version.

But, upon using it recently, I noted it was not working now that we have some volume groups with vg version 2.2. Here is a modified version of the script that works for version 2.2 volume groups!

# - script to emulate the Linux LVM command vgs in HP-UX 11iv3
# (C) 2010 - Juan Manuel Rey (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

version="v0.2 2021/12/15"

usage() {
  echo "VGS for HP-UX ${version}"
  echo "Usage: vgs [-v vg_name]"
  exit 1

if [ ! "$(uname -r)" = "B.11.31" ]; then
   echo "VGS for HP-UX only works on HP-UX 11iv3"
   exit 1

if [ "$1" ]; then
"vgs" 87 lines, 3053 characters

if [ "$1" ]; then
   case "$1" in
   -v) shift; [  "$1" = "" ] && usage || vg_name=${1};;
   *)  usage;;

vg_display="vgdisplay -F"
[ ! "${vg_name}" = "" ] && vg_display="vgdisplay -F ${vg_name}"

printf "%-10s %-5s %-5s %-20s %-8s %-6s %-5s\n" VG PVs LVs Status Version VGSize Free

# First, we must determine which VG Version we have

eval ${vg_display} | \
  while IFS=":" read vgdisplay; do
     version=$(echo ${vgdisplay} | awk -F: '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}' | grep vg_version | cut -d= -f2)
     case "$version" in
       2.2) total_pe_index=15
         *) total_pe_index=13

     echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read status
     if [ "${status}" = "deactivated" ]; then
        echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f 3  | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read status
        echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f 3  | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read status
        echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f ${total_pe_index} | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read total_pe
        echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f ${pe_size_index} | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read pe_size
        echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f ${free_pe_index} | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read free_pe
        vg_size="`/usr/bin/expr $total_pe \* $pe_size / 1024`G"
        vg_free="`/usr/bin/expr $free_pe \* $pe_size / 1024`G"

     echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f 1 | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 3 | read vg_name
     echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f ${cur_pv_index} | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read pvs
     echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f 5 | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read lvs
     #echo ${vgdisplay} | cut -d ":" -f 19 | cut -d "=" -f 2 | read version
     printf "%-10s %-5s %-5s %-20s %-8s %-6s %-5s\n" "${vg_name}" "${pvs}" "${lvs}" "${status}" "${version}" "${vg_size}" "${vg_free}"


17 Jun 20 HP-UX Serviceguard Missing node

If you have a hardware fault or other calamity in a HP-UX serviceguard cluster you lose the ability to make incremental changes to the cluster until that node comes back.

If you need to make a change to a cluster in this state and you don’t want to bring down the cluster, you have to do all your changes with one gigantic command line.

Lets say you have a 4 node cluster named cnode1,cnode2,cnode3, and cnode4.

cnode4 suffers a hardware fault and you packages fail over to cnode1-3. But your usage has grown and you have a package that is beating the hardware down and you want to move it from cnode2 to cnode1.

Well you can’t do it incrementally. You have to do it all at once. I recently ran into a situation where I had to modify 37 cluster environment files and the cluster configuration to remove a node cnode4.

That requires you to correctly type a command line that could easily be in excess of 4000 characters. Anybody who knows my typing skills knows this is beyond my abilities on my best day.

So I wrote a little assistant program.

It consists of three files two of which are scripts.

pkg-mod-list (A list of all the package configuration files, full path that need to be modified. It is your choice how to handle the editing. We used ansible last night when we did it in a DR cluster.

Contents …



Then we have helper scripts which put the command line together.

myclusterV6_prod.conf is the main cluster configuration file with the references to node cnode4 commented out.

cat missing-node-checkconf
MAIN=”cmcheckconf -C /etc/cmcluster/configs/myclusterV6_Prod.conf”
cat pkg-mod-list | while read -r pfile
PCMD=”${PCMD} -P ${pfile}”
### echo “$PCMD”
echo $MYCMD

exec ${MYCMD}

MAIN=”cmapplyconf -C /etc/cmcluster/configs/myclusterV6_Prod.conf”
cat pkg-mod-list | while read -r pfile
PCMD=”${PCMD} -P ${pfile}”
### echo “$PCMD”
echo $MYCMD

exec ${MYCMD}

03 Sep 19 Add new dump device

add device called lvdump1


:/home/root # lvchange -r n /dev/vg00/lvdump1

Set dump lv to contiguous. SEP

lvcreate -L <size in MB> -n lvdump1 /dev/vg00

# lvchange -C y /dev/vg00/lvdump1
Logical volume “/dev/vg00/lvdump1” has been successfully changed.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg00 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf

# crashconf -a /dev/vg00/lvdump1

:/home/root # crashconf -v

15 Aug 19 Turning of hardware test at boot on BL class Itanium blades

The Before picture:

BOOTTEST Settings Default Variable OS is not speedy boot aware. Selftest Setting

——— ————–

early_cpu Run this test

late_cpu Run this test

platform Run this test

chipset Run this test

io_hw Run this test

mem_init Run this test

mem_test Run this test

BOOTTEST Settings Default Variable OS is not speedy boot aware. Selftest Setting

Shell> boottest

Shell> boottest mem_test off

Shell> boottest mem_init off

Shell> boottest io_hw off

Shell> boottest chipset off

Shell> boottest platform off

Shell> boottest late_cpu off

Shell> boottest early_cpu off

BOOTTEST Settings Default Variable OS is not speedy boot aware. Selftest Setting

——— ————–

early_cpu Skip this test

late_cpu Skip this test

platform Skip this test

chipset Skip this test

io_hw Skip this test

mem_init     Skip this test

mem_test Skip this test

Skip this test Shell>

This cuts boot time over 90%. NOTE: YHou may need to turn this stuff back on to troubleshoot hardware issues.

04 Oct 18 Glance/midaemons wont start

Troublehooting steps:

1- Remove the /var/opt/perf/ and try to start glance again


#rm /var/opt/perf/



2- If the above fails to fix it then stop and restart Glance as follows


# mwa stop

# midaemon -smdvss 4M -kths 1000 -pids 5000 -p # ps -ef | grep midaemon Make sure the midaemon is running, # mwa start


Modify MWA_START_COMMAND variable in /etc/rc.config.d/ovpa as follows to keep the changes across system reboot.


# grep MWA_START_COMMAND /etc/rc.config.d/ovpa MWA_START_COMMAND=”/opt/perf/bin/midaemon -smdvss 4M -kths 1000 -pids 5000 -p ; /opt/perf/bin/mwa start”


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03 Oct 18 New swverify command

Any gotchas?

 swverify -v -x fix=true \*

30 Nov 17 No downtme migration of mounted filesystem to new storage type

On LVM 1.0 Volume group, the task is no downtime storage migration.
 Hitachi to Pure Solid State storage. Mirror/UX required.
 Disks are almostthe same size:

dbrestore:root > diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk42
 SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk42:
 vendor: HITACHI
 product id: OPEN-V
 type: direct access
 size: 16777216 Kbytes
 bytes per sector: 512
 dbrestore:root > diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk52
 SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk52:
 vendor: PURE
 product id: FlashArray
 type: direct access
 size: 10485760 Kbytes
 bytes per sector: 512

pvcreate /dev/rdisk/disk52
 vgextend /dev/vgtest /dev/disk/disk52

Before state:
 dbrestore:root > vgdisplay -v vgtest
 --- Volume groups ---
 VG Name /dev/vgtest
 VG Write Access read/write
 VG Status available
 Max LV 255
 Cur LV 1
 Open LV 1
 Max PV 16
 Cur PV 2
 Act PV 2
 Max PE per PV 4095
 PE Size (Mbytes) 4
 Total PE 6654
 Alloc PE 1024
 Free PE 5630
 Total PVG 0
 Total Spare PVs 0
 Total Spare PVs in use 0
 VG Version 1.0
 VG Max Size 262080m
 VG Max Extents 65520

--- Logical volumes ---
 LV Name /dev/vgtest/lvtest
 LV Status available/syncd
 LV Size (Mbytes) 4096
 Current LE 1024
 Allocated PE 1024
 Used PV 1

--- Physical volumes ---
 PV Name /dev/disk/disk42
 PV Status available
 Total PE 4095
 Free PE 4095
 Autoswitch On
 Proactive Polling On

PV Name /dev/disk/disk52
 PV Status available
 Total PE 2559
 Free PE 1535
 Autoswitch On
 Proactive Polling On

dbrestore:root > ioscan -NfnCdisk /dev/disk/disk42
 Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
 disk 42 64000/0xfa00/0x21 esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HITACHI OPEN-V
 /dev/disk/disk42 /dev/rdisk/disk42
 dbrestore:root > ioscan -NfnCdisk /dev/disk/disk52
 Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
 disk 52 64000/0xfa00/0x35 esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE PURE FlashArray
 /dev/disk/disk52 /dev/rdisk/disk52
 dbrestore:root > bdf | grep test
 /dev/vgtest/lvtest 4194304 19544 3913845 0% /test
 dbrestore:root > lvdisplay -v /dev/vgtest/lvtest
 --- Logical volumes ---
 LV Name /dev/vgtest/lvtest
 VG Name /dev/vgtest
 LV Permission read/write
 LV Status available/syncd
 Mirror copies 0
 Consistency Recovery MWC
 Schedule parallel
 LV Size (Mbytes) 4096
 Current LE 1024
 Allocated PE 1024
 Stripes 0
 Stripe Size (Kbytes) 0
 Bad block on
 Allocation strict
 IO Timeout (Seconds) default

--- Distribution of logical volume ---
 PV Name LE on PV PE on PV
 /dev/disk/disk42 1024 1024

--- Logical extents ---
 LE PV1 PE1 Status 1
 00000 /dev/disk/disk42 00000 current
 00001 /dev/disk/disk42 00001 current
 00002 /dev/disk/disk42 00002 current
 01022 /dev/disk/disk42 01022 current
 01023 /dev/disk/disk42 01023 current

dbrestore:root > lvextend -m 1 /dev/vgtest/lvtest /dev/disk/disk52
 The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized.This operation will
 take some time. Please wait ....
 Logical volume "/dev/vgtest/lvtest" has been successfully extended.
 Volume Group configuration for /dev/vgtest has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vgtest.conf
 dbrestore:root > lvdisplay -v /dev/vgtest/lvtest
 --- Logical volumes ---
 LV Name /dev/vgtest/lvtest
 VG Name /dev/vgtest
 LV Permission read/write
 LV Status available/syncd
 Mirror copies 1
 Consistency Recovery MWC
 Schedule parallel
 LV Size (Mbytes) 4096
 Current LE 1024
 Allocated PE 2048
 Stripes 0
 Stripe Size (Kbytes) 0
 Bad block on
 Allocation strict
 IO Timeout (Seconds) default

--- Distribution of logical volume ---
 PV Name LE on PV PE on PV
 /dev/disk/disk42 1024 1024
 /dev/disk/disk52 1024 1024

--- Logical extents ---
 LE PV1 PE1 Status 1 PV2 PE2 Status 2
 00000 /dev/disk/disk42 00000 current /dev/disk/disk52 00000 current
 00001 /dev/disk/disk42 00001 current /dev/disk/disk52 00001 current
 00002 /dev/disk/disk42 00002 current /dev/disk/disk52 00002 current
 01023 /dev/disk/disk42 01023 current /dev/disk/disk52 01023 current

dbrestore:root > bdf | grep test
 /dev/vgtest/lvtest 4194304 19544 3913845 0% /test
 dbrestore:root > lvreduce -m 0 /dev/vgtest/lvtest /dev/disk/disk42
 Logical volume "/dev/vgtest/lvtest" has been successfully reduced.
 Volume Group configuration for /dev/vgtest has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vgtest.conf
 dbrestore:root > bdf | grep test
 /dev/vgtest/lvtest 4194304 19544 3913845 0% /test
 dbrestore:root > lvdisplay -v /dev/vgtest/lvtest
 --- Logical volumes ---
 LV Name /dev/vgtest/lvtest
 VG Name /dev/vgtest
 LV Permission read/write
 LV Status available/syncd
 Mirror copies 0
 Consistency Recovery MWC
 Schedule parallel
 LV Size (Mbytes) 4096
 Current LE 1024
 Allocated PE 1024
 Stripes 0
 Stripe Size (Kbytes) 0
 Bad block on
 Allocation strict
 IO Timeout (Seconds) default

--- Distribution of logical volume ---
 PV Name LE on PV PE on PV
 /dev/disk/disk52 1024 1024

--- Logical extents ---
 LE PV1 PE1 Status 1
 00000 /dev/disk/disk52 00000 current
 00001 /dev/disk/disk52 00001 current

 01023 /dev/disk/disk52 01023 current

dbrestore:root > bdf | grep test
 /dev/vgtest/lvtest 4194304 19544 3913845 0% /test
 dbrestore:root >

Tags: , ,

28 Nov 17 An xpinfo that works in hpvm guests and on non Hitachi storage

Hitachi shops faced annoyance times two:
1. xpinfo does not work on non-Hitachi storage for example Pure storage
2. xpinfo does not work on hpvm guests depending on how the storage is passed through from the hpvm host

I now present xpinfonew which though raw and unfnished
The output:

myserv0:root > ./xpinfonew
Device path ldev
/dev/rdisk/disk111 =:=
/dev/rdisk/disk12 30:86
/dev/rdisk/disk172 03:f3
/dev/rdisk/disk215 46:2c
/dev/rdisk/disk216 46:30
/dev/rdisk/disk217 46:34
/dev/rdisk/disk218 46:38
/dev/rdisk/disk219 46:28
/dev/rdisk/disk220 46:25
/dev/rdisk/disk221 46:27
/dev/rdisk/disk222 46:2a
/dev/rdisk/disk223 46:2e
/dev/rdisk/disk224 46:32
/dev/rdisk/disk225 46:2b
/dev/rdisk/disk226 46:2f
/dev/rdisk/disk227 46:33
/dev/rdisk/disk237 46:37
/dev/rdisk/disk238 46:36
/dev/rdisk/disk239 46:26
/dev/rdisk/disk240 46:29
/dev/rdisk/disk241 46:2d
/dev/rdisk/disk242 46:31
/dev/rdisk/disk243 46:35
/dev/rdisk/disk244 46:39
/dev/rdisk/disk4 aa:bf
/dev/rdisk/disk5 8b:c3
/dev/rdisk/disk6 03:a6
/dev/rdisk/disk9 01:00

myserv0:root > ./xpinfonew raw
Device path ldev
/dev/rdisk/disk111 =
/dev/rdisk/disk12 3086
/dev/rdisk/disk172 03f3
/dev/rdisk/disk215 462c
/dev/rdisk/disk216 4630
/dev/rdisk/disk217 4634
/dev/rdisk/disk218 4638
/dev/rdisk/disk219 4628
/dev/rdisk/disk220 4625
/dev/rdisk/disk221 4627
/dev/rdisk/disk222 462a
/dev/rdisk/disk223 462e
/dev/rdisk/disk224 4632
/dev/rdisk/disk225 462b
/dev/rdisk/disk226 462f
/dev/rdisk/disk227 4633
/dev/rdisk/disk237 4637
/dev/rdisk/disk238 4636
/dev/rdisk/disk239 4626
/dev/rdisk/disk240 4629
/dev/rdisk/disk241 462d
/dev/rdisk/disk242 4631
/dev/rdisk/disk243 4635
/dev/rdisk/disk244 4639
/dev/rdisk/disk4 aabf
/dev/rdisk/disk5 8bc3
/dev/rdisk/disk6 03a6
/dev/rdisk/disk9 0100

cat xpinfonew
# Get ldev from any disk regardless of storage provider
# 10/26/2017 Steven “Shmuel” Protter

echo “Device path \t\t ldev ”
echo “==========================================================================”

ioscan -NfnCdisk | awk ‘/rdisk/{ print $(NF) }’ | awk -F_ ‘{ print $1 }’ | sort -u |while read -r dv
ldev=$(/var/adm/bin/getldev.ksh ${dv} ${1} );
echo “${dv} \t ${ldev}”

The code:
cat /var/adm/bin/getldev.ksh
# Get ldev from any disk regardless of storage provider
# 10/26/2017 Steven “Shmuel” Protter
if [ $argies -eq 0 ]
echo “———— 1 argument required device path ex: /dev/rdisk/disk101 ————-”
exit 1
## /usr/sbin/scsimgr lun_map -D ${dv} | awk ‘/World Wide Identifier/{ print $(NF) }’
rldev=$(/usr/sbin/scsimgr lun_map -D ${dv} | awk ‘/World Wide Identifier/{ print substr ( $NF, length($NF) – 3, length($NF) ) }’);

l1=$(echo ${rldev} | awk ‘{ print substr ( $NF, length($NF) – 3, 2 ) }’);
l2=$(echo ${rldev} | awk ‘{ print substr ( $NF, length($NF) – 1, length($NF) ) }’);

### echo “raw: ${rldev} l1: ${l1} l2: ${l2} …”
if [ “$fmt” = “raw” ]
echo ${rldev}
echo “${l1}:${l2}”

Should work on any SAN based storage

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