So you lose a boot disk on a vxvm booted system. You hot replace the disk, but now you need to make sure the software mirror is good.
Lets say for example its rootdisk02
If the disk stayed alive and did not power down you can run vxbrk_rootmirror and cleanly replace the disk.
What do do if the disk powered down?
/opt/VRTS/bin/vxdiskunsetup -C rootdisk02
vxrecover -g rootdg -sb
You more than likely end up with a disk named like this that is totally useless:
vxdg destroy rootdg.26724.31359 (on rootdisk02)
Remove the incomplete mirror copy
/etc/vx/bin/vxbrk_rootmir -v rootdisk02
And mirror it back ,
/opt/VRTS/bin/vxrootmir -v -g rootdg rootdisk02
Tags: hpux 11.23, hpux 11.23 pa-risc, vxvm, vxvm boot disk failure, vxvm boot mirror
This is an improvement to fixing the problems if you do blow things up. Click here to see.
Here is the thing. VXvM is messed up on HP-UX. The mirror break command is broken on 11.23 and 11.31.
That being said depending on how you use it, you can have a mess to clean up or not.
Note the disks are supposedly failing. Easy fix, though I can’t say how long this will last.
Now we look at them.
Now they are fixed.
Now to the heart of the matter. Lets say you want to break c2t0d0 out of the mirror and say make a drd image. The man page and HP support says you can use this form.
If you use that form on many HP-UX systems the mirror break will fail and you will have a mess to clean up. If you want to prove your skills go ahead and use that form and click the link above to find the fix.
If you would rather look smart and say cruise the Internet, do this form.
You get the following UGLY results.
However the only thing that actually goes wrong is removing the disk rootdisk02 from the roodg.
Easily fixed with a single command.
vxdg -g rootdg rmdisk rootdisk02
vxdisk list shows:
A healthy ready for DRD cloning rootdg
Tags: how to break up a vxvm mirror without blowing up your rootdg, mirror break, vxvm, vxvm mirror break
vxvm boot system shut down decommissioned. It was left off for over a year. Hardware is needed. System is brought up.
Now you have rootdisk2 part of the boot disk group and to do anything useful you need to clean it up.
Get data:
vxprint -ht -g rootdg
I thought to write this only after I was done. So I don’t have a before state picture.
vxdg -g rootdg rmdisk rootdisk02
Getting rid of the sub disks (BE CAREFUL)
sd rootdisk02-11 lpvol-02 rootdisk02 68419584 524288 0 – RMOV
sd rootdisk02-12 – rootdisk02 68943872 3145728 – – RMOV
sd rootdisk02-13 – rootdisk02 63438848 1048576 – – RMOV
pl crashvol-01 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl homevol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl optvol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl standvol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl swapvol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl swvol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl tmpvol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl usrvol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
pl varvol-02 – DISABLED – 0 CONCAT – RW
v crashvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 15728640 SELECT – fsgen
pl crashvol-02 crashvol ENABLED ACTIVE 15728640 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-13 crashvol-02 rootdisk01 118226944 15728640 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v homevol – ENABLED ACTIVE 1048576 SELECT – fsgen
pl homevol-01 homevol ENABLED ACTIVE 1048576 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-04 homevol-01 rootdisk01 35127296 524288 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
sd rootdisk01-11 homevol-01 rootdisk01 66322432 524288 524288 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v lpvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 524288 SELECT – fsgen
pl lpvol-01 lpvol ENABLED ACTIVE 524288 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-12 lpvol-01 rootdisk01 71565312 524288 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
pl lpvol-02 lpvol DISABLED REMOVED 524288 CONCAT – WO
v optvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 8388608 SELECT – fsgen
pl optvol-01 optvol ENABLED ACTIVE 8388608 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-05 optvol-01 rootdisk01 35651584 8388608 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v rootvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 1048576 SELECT – root
pl rootvol-01 rootvol ENABLED ACTIVE 1048576 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-03 rootvol-01 rootdisk01 34078720 1048576 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
pl rootvol-02 rootvol DISABLED RECOVER 0 CONCAT – RW
v standvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 524288 SELECT – fsgen
pl standvol-01 standvol ENABLED ACTIVE 524288 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-01 standvol-01 rootdisk01 0 524288 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v swapvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 33554432 SELECT – swap
pl swapvol-01 swapvol ENABLED ACTIVE 33554432 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-02 swapvol-01 rootdisk01 524288 33554432 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v swapvol2 – ENABLED ACTIVE 46137344 SELECT – fsgen
pl swapvol2-01 swapvol2 ENABLED ACTIVE 46137344 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-06 swapvol2-01 rootdisk01 72089600 46137344 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v swvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 3145728 SELECT – fsgen
pl swvol-01 swvol ENABLED ACTIVE 3145728 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-10 swvol-01 rootdisk01 63176704 3145728 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v tmpvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 2097152 SELECT – fsgen
pl tmpvol-01 tmpvol ENABLED ACTIVE 2097152 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-07 tmpvol-01 rootdisk01 44302336 2097152 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v usrvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 8388608 SELECT – fsgen
pl usrvol-01 usrvol ENABLED ACTIVE 8388608 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-08 usrvol-01 rootdisk01 46399488 8388608 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
v varvol – ENABLED ACTIVE 9437184 SELECT – fsgen
pl varvol-01 varvol ENABLED ACTIVE 9437184 CONCAT – RW
sd rootdisk01-09 varvol-01 rootdisk01 54788096 8388608 0 c0t8d0s2 ENA
sd rootdisk01-14 varvol-01 rootdisk01 66846720 1048576 8388608 c0t8d0s2 ENA
Time to clean up the mess we made. attach and disassociate properly.
532 vxplex -o force -g rootdg att swvol swvol-02
533 vxplex -o force -o rm -g rootdg dis swvol-02
575 vxprint -ht -g rootdg | grep RMOV | awk ‘{print $2}’ | while read -r sd
vxedit -g rootdg rm $sd
vxedit -g rootdg rm rootdisk02
Lets say we have a file system mounted as /stuck
umount /stuck
Mount Point busy.
fuser -cu /stuck
# shows no open processes on the filesystem. umount won’t work.
umount has no documented -f (force) paramter
vxumount is the tool of choice here.
vxumount -o force /stuck
/stuck is no longer stuck
vxmount is not always in the PATH. It is something worth searching for and is available on most HP-UX systems.
Only works on vxfs file systems, not HFS or NFS.
Older versions of HP-UX 11.11,11.23 and 11.31 do suffer from the OnlineJFS license disabling itself. This was due to a product defect from Symanntec which HP let into a depot a few years ago.
System had this license information:
vxlicrep[/root] # vxlicrep
Symantec License Manager vxlicrep utility version
Copyright (C) 1996-2006 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating a report on all VERITAS products installed on this system
License Key = 3JZU-WDP6-PP6C-P4O4-HS38-NPPO-P
Product Name = VERITAS File System
Serial Number = 1
License Type = PERMANENT
OEM ID = 4095
Features :=
HP_OnlineJFS = Enabled
CPU Count = Not Restricted
Platform = HP-UX
Version = 4.1
File Change Log = Enabled
Maximum number of file systems = Not Restricted
Command and response.
fsadm: /etc/default/fs is used for determining the file system type
vxfs fsadm: V-3-25255: fsadm: You don’t have a license to run this program
[/root] # vxenablef -a
After the vxenablef -a statement the fsadm command starts to work. This will is not a license bypass. If the system is not actually licensed it won’t work.
fsadm command works after this correction.
Tags: hpux, onlinejfs, onlinejfs license problem
From the HP-UX Veritas Administration guide, buried on page 106
This example shows how to create an LVM root disk on physical disk c0t1d0
after removing the existing LVM root disk configuration from that disk.
BOOTBG=$(vxdg bootdg)
vxprint -htg $BOOTDG | grep ^dm
dm rootdisk01 disk233_p2 auto 1024 142450592 –
dm rootmirr disk234_p2 auto 1024 142450592 –
# You get the boot disk from this command. Break off the s2 if you are using legacy devices you can use them or the agile SDF devices.
# You may need to use vxbrk_mirror to break the mirror. Make sure you know which disk you are booted from. Check syslog to be sure. setboot is not a good indicator.
# Due to a wordpress error I’ve been forced to take the path etc vx bin out of the commands. I will fix this when wordpress stops blowing chunks on this data. Where there are spaces there need to be slashes.
# etc vx bin vxdestroy_lvmroot -v c0t1d0
# etc vx bin vxres_lvmroot -v -b c0t1d0
The -b option to vxres_lvmroot sets c0t1d0 as the primary boot device.
As these operations can take some time, the verbose option, -v, is specified to
indicate how far the operation has progressed.
This command takes care of setboot and all details. Then just boot from the console.
This procedure does not remove VxVM software. The daemon still runs. But your system now boots LVM and that makes using Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) much easier.
Tags: Capacity Planning,, high capacity volume group, Ignite-UX, patching, superdome, system migration
Create a partition description file
(Need to update the EFI and HPSP size below according to the other root disk partition’s size)
This examples is where the new disk is disk85. Applies only to HP-UX 11.31 with VxVM as boot drive manager.
# vi /tmp/efipart
HPUX 100%
Use the idisk(1M) command to partition the disk according to this file
# idisk -wf /tmp/efipart /dev/rdisk/disk85
Write EFI info to the EFI partition on the disk
# mkboot -e -l /dev/rdisk/disk85
Confirm the AUTO file entry is intact It should be “boot vmunix”
# efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk85_p1 -u /EFI/HPUX/AUTO /tmp/efi; cat /tmp/efi
If found any difference, edit /tmp/efi file as below to update the entry “boot vmunix”
#echo “boot vmunix ” > /tmp/efi
Update auto file
#efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk85_p1 /tmp/efi /EFI/HPUX/AUTO
Confirm the AUTO file entry again, It should be “boot vmunix”
# efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk85_p1 -u /EFI/HPUX/AUTO /tmp/efi; cat /tmp/efi
Initialize the disk as VXVM boot disk
#### vxdisksetup -iB disk85_p2 ((lives in etc vx bin slashes removed due to Word Press error))
Add the disk to the existing rootdg
# vxdg -g rootdg adddisk rootdisk02=disk85_p2
Write Volume Manager volume information to the LABEL file:
# /opt/VRTS/bin/vxbootsetup rootdisk02
Display the LIF and Volume Manager label information:
# vxvmboot -v /dev/rdisk/disk85
Check the Mirror status ( Each volume should be with two plex )
$ vxprint –htg rootdg |egrep –i “^v|^pl”
Tags: Capacity Planning, high capacity volume group, HP-UX, LVM, software mirror