Tips and Tricks site for advanced HP-UX Engineers

03 Mar 15 Making sure MWA is running properly

What follows is a health check script that checks the installation status of HP Operations Agent and the run status of the two mwa daemons that measure performance.

When run with the -y parameter the script will attempt to correct installed status of HP Operations Agent.

If you want the script, please email me via the sites response form. Cutting and pasting from this site can be done, but may be a very frustrating endeavor.

I have added commentary to the script, which may introduce run errors if screen scraped.

myserva:root > cat 247_mwarun
# make sure scopeux is running, if not run if not installed install.ed

# Load common environment
. /var/adm/bin/.scriptenv
echo “. Checking for mwa software installed and running on ${hn}.”

if [ “${hn}” = “myserva” ]; then is=”myservb”;fi

ps -ef >/tmp/plist.txt

srun=$(awk ‘/scopeux/{print $NF}’ /tmp/plist.txt | wc -l);
mrun=$(awk ‘/midaemon/{print $NF}’ /tmp/plist.txt | wc -l);
swlist -l bundle TC097EA > /tmp/swlist.txt
mwainst=$(awk ‘/TC097EA/{ print $NF}’ /tmp/swlist.txt| wc -l);

#echo “scopeux procs running: $srun mwa installed: $mwainst”
if [ “$1” = “-y” ];then

if [ ${srun} -eq 0 ] || [ ${mrun} -eq 0 ] ;then
if (($CHANGES));then
if [ ${mwainst} -ne 1 ]
### depot server location is in variable ${is}. This is an ignite depot server.
swinstall -x mount_all_filesystems=false -s ${is}:/Depots/B.11.31/2014midyear_depot TC097EA
echo “mwa TC097EA install succeeded checking sd on ${hn}…”
swlist -l bundle TC097EA > /tmp/swlist.txt
mwainst=$(awk ‘/TC097EA/{ print $NF}’ /tmp/swlist.txt| wc -l);
if [ ${mwainst} -eq 1 ];then echo ” pass – mwa NOW installed.” ;fi
optstat=$(/var/adm/bin/bdfmegs “/opt ” |awk ‘!/File-System/{print $5}’);
echo “${hn} /opt is ${optstat} full remediate if above 85% …”
mwa start all
echo ” NOTICE – mwa not installed or scopeux/midaemon is not running on ${hn} .(-y will fix).”
echo ” pass – mwa installed. scopeux/midaemon is running on ${hn}.”
optstat=$(/var/adm/bin/bdfmegs “/opt ” |awk ‘!/File-System/{print $5}’);
echo “${hn} /opt is ${optstat} full remediate if above 85% …”
rm -f /tmp/plist.txt
rm -f /tmp/swlist.txt
echo “#### end report $0 ${sn} ####”

Script depends on Bill Hassell’s bdfmegs script. bdf can be made to work.
Typical output is:

myserv0:root > ./247_mwarun
Executing HP-UX specific environment parameters…
. Checking for mwa software installed and running on myserv0.
pass – mwa installed. scopeux/midaemon is running on mserv0.
myserv0 /opt is 68% full remediate if above 85% …
#### end report ./247_mwarun myserv0 ####
myserv0:root > mwa stop all

Shutting down Perf Agent collection software
Shutting down scopeux, pid(s) 28345
The Perf Agent collector, scopeux has been shut down successfully.
NOTE: The ARM registration daemon ttd will be left running.

OVOA is running. Not shutting down coda
myserv0:root > ./247_mwarun
Executing HP-UX specific environment parameters…
. Checking for mwa software installed and running on myserv0.
NOTICE – mwa not installed or scopeux/midaemon is not running on myserv0 .(-y will fix).
myserv0 /opt is 68% full remediate if above 85% …
#### end report ./247_mwarun myserv0 ####

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