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04 Dec 14 Quick and dirty hpvm network rebuild

APA is in use here. The MAC addresses have been changed for security reasons and may not be valid.

There is missing data from this post, comment and I will try to enhance the post.

There are 4 networks. Networking for hpvm guests was hosed beyond repair.

Problem before rebuild.

hpvmnet -v -S ignite -v
hpvmnetName                  Number State   Mode      NamePPA MAC Address    IPv4 Address
===================== ====== ======= ========= ======= ============== ===============

hprod                       2 Down    Shared    lan900

[Port Configuration Details]
Port    Port         Port     Untagged Number of    Active VM    Tagged
Number  State        Adapter  VLANID   Reserved VMs              VLANIDs
======= ============ ======== ======== ============ ============ =============
1       Available    unknown  102      0                         none
2       Available    unknown  102      0                         none

root@hpvmserv# hpvmnet -S data   hpvmnet -S mgmt -v hpvmnet -S data
Version B.06.10.05
-vName                  Number State   Mode      NamePPA MAC Address    IPv4 Address
===================== ====== ======= ========= ======= ============== ===============
mgmt                       4 Down    Shared    lan902

[Port Configuration Details]
Port    Port         Port     Untagged Number of    Active VM    Tagged
Number  State        Adapter  VLANID   Reserved VMs              VLANIDs
======= ============ ======== ======== ============ ============ =============
1       Available    unknown  501      0                         none
2       Available    unknown  501      0                         none

root@hpvmserv#  hpvmnet -S ignite -v hpvmnet -S data   -v
Version B.06.10.05
Name                  Number State   Mode      NamePPA MAC Address    IPv4 Address
===================== ====== ======= ========= ======= ============== ===============
ignite                     6 Down    Shared    lan903

[Port Configuration Details]
Port    Port         Port     Untagged Number of    Active VM    Tagged
Number  State        Adapter  VLANID   Reserved VMs              VLANIDs
======= ============ ======== ======== ============ ============ =============
1       Available    unknown  502      0                         none
2       Available    unknown  502      0                         none

root@hpvmserv#  hpvmnet -S data   -v
Version B.06.10.05
Name                  Number State   Mode      NamePPA MAC Address    IPv4 Address
===================== ====== ======= ========= ======= ============== ===============
data                       3 Down    Shared    lan901

[Port Configuration Details]
Port    Port         Port     Untagged Number of    Active VM    Tagged
Number  State        Adapter  VLANID   Reserved VMs              VLANIDs
======= ============ ======== ======== ============ ============ =============
1       Available    unknown  101      0                         none
2       Available    unknown  101      0                         none

The fix total rebuild on the fly:

hpvmmodify -P server1 -d network:avio_lan:0,0,0xAAD44C09C7A3:vswitch:prod:portid:1
hpvmmodify -P server1 -d network:avio_lan:0,1,0x025E925A26F0:vswitch:mgmt:portid:1
hpvmmodify -P server1 -d network:avio_lan:0,2,0xCEF0C06D8591:vswitch:data:portid:1
hpvmmodify -P server1 -d network:avio_lan:0,4,0x2A7FBA421018:vswitch:ignite:portid:1

hpvmmodify -P server2 -d network:avio_lan:0,0,0xAA0971729E70:vswitch:prod:portid:2
hpvmmodify -P server2 -d network:avio_lan:0,1,0xA6EA6047EF3C:vswitch:mgmt:portid:2
hpvmmodify -P server2 -d network:avio_lan:0,2,0x5ECA220B069D:vswitch:data:portid:2
hpvmmodify -P server2 -d network:avio_lan:0,4,0x36C4C98BAE05:vswitch:ignite:portid:2

hpvmnet -d -S prod
hpvmnet -d -S mgmt
hpvmnet -d -S ignite
hpvmnet -d -S data

hpvmnet -c -S prod -n 900
hpvmnet -c -S mgmt -n 902
hpvmnet -c -S data -n 901
hpvmnet -c -S ignite -n 903

hpvmmodify -P server1 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:prod
hpvmmodify -P server1 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:mgmt
hpvmmodify -P server1 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:data
hpvmmodify -P server1 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:ignite

hpvmmodify -P server2 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:prod
hpvmmodify -P server2 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:mgmt
hpvmmodify -P server2 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:data
hpvmmodify -P server2 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:ignite

hpvmnet -S prod -u portid:1:vlanid:102
hpvmnet -S prod -u portid:2:vlanid:102
hpvmnet -S mgmt -u portid:1:vlanid:501
hpvmnet -S mgmt -u portid:2:vlanid:501
hpvmnet -S data -u portid:1:vlanid:101
hpvmnet -S data -u portid:2:vlanid:101
hpvmnet -S ignite -u portid:1:vlanid:502
hpvmnet -S ignite -u portid:2:vlanid:502

 hpvmnet -b -S prod
hpvmnet -b -S mgmt
hpvmnet -b -S ignite
hpvmnet -b -S data


root@hpvmserv# hpvmnet -v
Version B.06.10.05
Name                  Number State   Mode      NamePPA MAC Address    IPv4 Address
===================== ====== ======= ========= ======= ============== ===============
prod                       8 Up      Shared    lan900  0x00226403e1cc
mgmt                       9 Up      Shared    lan902  0x0025b3b0a9d0
localnet                   1 Up      Shared            N/A            N/A
data                      10 Up      Shared    lan901  0x00226403e1ce
ignite                    11 Up      Shared    lan903  0x0025b3b0a9d2

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20 May 10 clean up procedure after ignite replication of hpvm host

This errror is created by Ignite replication of an hpvm system. The following checks device integrity and cleans up errors created by Ignite replication.

hpvmcreate: ERROR (jdeautp1): Incorrect backing device type.

First check for errors with this script (I may check this in at some point)

# Unofficial quick and dirty passthru DSF check script
# It walks all /dev/pt/* files and tries to find corresponding /dev/rdisk
# or /dev/rtape files. If they are foudn their minor numbers are compared.
# @(#) v1.1 – stanm@wtec

for i in $(ls /dev/pt/*)
# ll $i
printf “checking $shortname”
minor1=$(ll $i|awk ‘{print $6}’)
# echo minor1=$minor ($i)
if [ -c /dev/rdisk/$shortname ]; then
minor2=$(ll /dev/rdisk/$shortname|awk ‘{print $6}’)
# echo minor2=$minor2 ($/dev/rdisk/$shortname)
if [[ “x$minor1” = “x$minor2″ ]]; then
printf ” – OK\n”
printf ” – Minor numbers are probably incorrect\n”
printf “minor1=$minor1 ($i) vs ”
printf “minor2=$minor2 (/dev/rdisk/$shortname)\n”
# could be tape
if [ -c /dev/rtape/${shortname}_BEST ]; then
minor2=$(ll /dev/rtape/${shortname}_BEST|awk ‘{print $6}’)
if [[ “x$minor1” = “x$minor2″ ]]; then
printf ” – OK\n”
printf ” – Minor numbers are probably incorrect\n”
printf “minor1=$minor1 ($i) vs ”
printf “minor2=$minor2 (/dev/rtape/${shortname}_BEST)\n”
printf ” – /dev/rdisk/$shortname or /dev/rtape/${shortname}_BEST not found – check skipped\n”

Output indicating problems:

checking disk11 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000005 (/dev/pt/pt_disk11) vs minor2=0x000008 (/dev/rdisk/disk11)
checking disk12 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000006 (/dev/pt/pt_disk12) vs minor2=0x000009 (/dev/rdisk/disk12)
checking disk13 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000007 (/dev/pt/pt_disk13) vs minor2=0x00000a (/dev/rdisk/disk13)
checking disk14 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000008 (/dev/pt/pt_disk14) vs minor2=0x00000b (/dev/rdisk/disk14)
checking disk15 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000009 (/dev/pt/pt_disk15) vs minor2=0x00000c (/dev/rdisk/disk15)
checking disk17 – OK
checking disk18 – /dev/rdisk/disk18 or /dev/rtape/disk18_BEST not found – check skipped
checking disk19 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000017 (/dev/pt/pt_disk19) vs minor2=0x000013 (/dev/rdisk/disk19)
checking disk2 – OK
checking disk22 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000018 (/dev/pt/pt_disk22) vs minor2=0x000014 (/dev/rdisk/disk22)
checking disk23 – Minor numbers are probably incorrect
minor1=0x000019 (/dev/pt/pt_disk23) vs minor2=0x000015 (/dev/rdisk/disk23)
checking disk3 – OK
checking disk5 – OK
checking disk8 – /dev/rdisk/disk8 or /dev/rtape/disk8_BEST not found – check skipped
checking disk9 – /dev/rdisk/disk9 or /dev/rtape/disk9_BEST not found – check skipped

Correction procedure:

cd /var/opt/hpvm/common/

rm -f hpvm_devinit
cd /dev/pt
rm -f *
hpvmdevmgmt -I

Consider this a necessary procedure to clean up after ignite replication

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